Robust Software Systems
Fall 2002

Professor Emery Berger
Department of Computer Science
University of Massachusetts



Modern software systems are brittle. Unanticipated workloads, like the dreaded "Slashdot effect", bring most applications to their knees. In this seminar, we'll examine systems-based approaches to making robust software that performs well regardless of workload, architecture, or data access patterns.


Graduate student status or permission of instructor. A previous class in operating systems would be helpful.


Class meetings are Tuesday and Thursday, 2:30-3:45 in Lederle lowrise A339 (LGRC A339). Office hours will be announced.


This class will be a seminar where we will read and discuss a number of research papers relevant to the topic of robust systems. Students will be required to read assigned papers and submit (electronically) a written critical analysis of each paper prior to its presentation in class, participate in class discussions on assigned readings, present one or more of the papers from the reading list, and assist others in preparing for their in-class presentation.

Reading list.

A PowerPoint template for presentations.

Advice to Systems Researchers (from Mike Dahlin, UT-Austin). Includes valuable notes on giving good (& bad) presentations and writing reviews.


Last modified: Fri Aug 30 16:58:56 EDT 2002