UMass Amherst

Department of Computer Science

Computer Science Courses for Spring of 2007

CMPSCI               SCHED#   DAYS   TIME               LOCATION            INSTRUCTOR               CREDITS

105        Computer Literacy(R2)                                                                     3cr

Lect.A     Schedule #20365    TuTh   11:15  -  12:30    MOR2 131            Verts
Lect.B     Schedule #20366    TuTh   4:00   -  5:15     MOR2 131            Verts
Lab.AL01   Schedule #DROP IN  M      5:45   -  7:15     LIBR 720            Verts
Lab.AL02   Schedule #DROP IN  W      5:45   -  7:15     613 GOODELL         Verts
Lab.AL03   Schedule #DROP IN  W      5:45   -  7:15     LIBR 720            Verts
Lab.AL04   Schedule #DROP IN  Th     5:45   -  7:15     613 GOODELL         Verts

105C       Computer Literacy(R2)                                                                     3cr

Lect.01    Schedule #20419    TuTh   11:15  -  12:30    MOR2 131            Verts

105D       Computer Literacy(R2)                                                                     3cr

Lect.01    Schedule #20420    TuTh   11:15  -  12:30    MOR2 131            Verts

105E       Computer Literacy(R2)                                                                     3cr

Lect.01    Schedule #20421    TuTh   11:15  -  12:30    MOR2 131            Verts

120        Introduction to Problem Solving with the Internet(R2)                                     3cr

Lect.01    Schedule #20444    TuTh   9:30   -  10:45    ELAB 323            Kirlin

121        Introduction to Problem Solving with Computers(R2)                                        3cr

Lect.A     Schedule #20367    Tu     9:30   -  10:45    MOR2 131            Learned-Miller
                              Th     9:30   -  10:45    LGRC A201           
Lect.B     Schedule #20424    Tu     9:30   -  10:45    MOR2 131            Learned-Miller
                              Th     9:30   -  10:45    LGRT 321            
Lect.C     Schedule #20433    Tu     9:30   -  10:45    MOR2 131            Learned-Miller
                              Th     9:30   -  10:45    HOLD 305            
Lect.D     Schedule #24353    Tu     9:30   -  10:45    MOR2 131            Learned-Miller
                              Th     9:30   -  10:45    HASA 113            

123(191B)  Intro to Java II                                                                          3cr

Lect.01    Schedule #20434    Tu     11:15  -  12:30    LGRC A301           Lehnert
Disc.01    Schedule #20435    Th     11:15  -  12:30    LGRC A301           Lehnert

145(195A)  Representing, Storing and Retrieving Information                                          3cr

Lect.01    Schedule #20436    MWF    11:15  -  12:05    ELAB 304            Verts

187        Programming with Data Structures(R2)                                                      4cr

Lect.A     Schedule #20368    TuTh   2:30   -  3:45     ELAB 304            Allan
Disc.AD1   Schedule #20369    W      11:15  -  12:05    ELAB 303            Allan

197C       ST-Programming In C++                                                                     1cr

Lect.01    Schedule #20442    W      3:35   -  5:00     CMPS 142            Corner, Smucker

201        Architecture and Assembly Language(E)                                                     4cr

Lect.01    Schedule #20371    TuTh   1:00   -  2:15     FLINT LAB 201       Rosenstein
Disc.01    Schedule #20372    M      1:25   -  2:15     CMPS 142            Rosenstein

250        Introduction to Computation(E)                                         Honors Colloq      4cr

Lect.01    Schedule #20373    TuTh   11:15  -  12:30    ELAB 304            Siegelmann
Disc.01    Schedule #20374    Th     2:30   -  3:45     MOR3 203            Siegelmann

251(291A)  Introduction to Computation II                                                            4cr

Lect.01    Schedule #24708    MWF    11:15  -  12:05    LGRC A203           Barrington
Disc.01    Schedule #24709    W      10:10  -  11:00    LGRT 202            Barrington

287        Programming Language Paradigms                                                            4cr

Lect.01    Schedule #20375    TuTh   9:30   -  10:45    ELAB 304            Lehnert
Disc.01    Schedule #20376    W      2:30   -  3:20     ELAB 304            Lehnert

305        Social Issues in Computing                                                                3cr

Lect.01    Schedule #20378    MWF    10:10  -  11:00    LGRC A205           Constantine

311        Introduction to Algorithms                                                                4cr

Lect.1     Schedule #20379    TuTh   1:00   -  2:15     ELAB 303            Sitaraman
Disc.1     Schedule #20380    W      11:15  -  12:05    HOLD 203            Sitaraman

320        Introduction to Software Engineering                                   Honors Colloq      4cr

Lect.01    Schedule #20381    TuTh   9:30   -  10:45    LGRT 101            Fisher
Disc.01    Schedule #20438    W      1:25   -  2:15                         Fisher

377        Operating Systems                                                                         4cr

Lect.01    Schedule #20382    TuTh   2:30   -  3:45     CMPS 142            Berger
Disc.01    Schedule #20383    W      12:20  -  1:10     ELAB 304            Berger

383        Artificial Intelligence                                                                   3cr

Lect.01    Schedule #20384    TuTh   1:00   -  2:15     AEBN 119            Utgoff

391S       Seminar - Fundamentals of Graphic Communication                                           3cr

Lect.01    Schedule #23330    TuTh   5:00   -  6:15     LGRC A205           Wang, Sindelar

396H       Honors Independent Study in Computer Science                                              3cr

Lect.01    Schedule #20417    BY ARRGT                                      Barrington

397B       Three-Dimensional Modeling and Digital Editing                                            3cr

Lect.01    Schedule #24493                              ** DELETED          ** Section Deleted

397D       Interactive Web Animation                                                                 3cr

Sem.01     Schedule #24494                              **SECTION DELETED   ** Section Deleted

397E       Seminar - Character Animation                                                             3cr

Lect.01    Schedule #24495                              **DELETED           ** Section Deleted

401        Formal Language Theory                                                 Honors Colloq      3cr

Lect.01    Schedule #20387    TuTh   11:15  -  12:30    CMPS 140            Rosenberg

403        Introduction to Robotics:  Mechanics, Dynamics, and Control                               4cr

Lect.01    Schedule #24742    TuTh   2:30   -  3:45     CMPS 140            Brock

445        Information Systems                                                                       3cr

Lect.01    Schedule #20439    TuTh   9:30   -  10:45    CMPS 142            Kulp

453        Computer Networks                                                      Honors Colloq      3cr

Lect.01    Schedule #20388    TuTh   11:15  -  12:30    CMPS 142            Ganesan

491P       Seminar-Outdoor Mobile Network Environment II                                             3cr

Lect.01    Schedule #24917    TuTh   4:00   -  5:15     CMPS 150            Corner, Levine

491QQ      Practical Sensor Network Design and Deployment                                            3cr

Sem.01     Schedule #24970    TH     4:00   -  6:30     CMPS 140            Ganesan, Shenoy

491T       Seminar - Technology and Aging                                                            3cr

Sem.01     Schedule #25199    W      10:00  -  12:00    CMPS 150            Hanson

499P       Honors Project                                                                            3cr

Lect.01    Schedule #20391    BY ARRGT                                      Barrington

499T       Honors Thesis                                                                             3cr

Lect.01    Schedule #20392                                                  Barrington

499Y       Honors Research                                                                           3cr

Lect.01    Schedule #20393    BY ARRGT                                      Barrington

530        Programming Languages                                                  Honors Colloq      3cr

Lect.01    Schedule #20406    TuTh   2:30   -  3:45     LGRC A201           Wileden

551        Three-Dimensional Animation and Digital Editing                                           3cr

Lect.01    Schedule #20394    MW     5:30   -  7:00     LGRC A201           Wang

553(591U)  Interactive Web Animation                                                                 3cr

Lect.01    Schedule #20398    TuTh   5:30   -  7:00     LGRT 201            Wang

570(591A)  Computer Vision                                                                           3cr

Lect.01    Schedule #20422    TuTh   1:00   -  2:15     CMPS 140            Learned-Miller

591B       Seminar - Introduction to Computer Graphics                                               3cr

Lect.01    Schedule #20447    TuTh   11:15  -  12:30    HAS0130             Wang

591D       Seminar - Applied Cryptography                                                            3cr

Lect.01    Schedule #20448    MW     2:05   -  3:20     CMPS 140            Fu

591F       Seminar - Software Engineering Management Practicum                                       3cr

Lect.01    Schedule #20396    TuTh   9:30   -  10:45    LGRT 101            Fisher
Disc.01    Schedule #20456    W      1:25   -  2:15                         Fisher

591G       Seminar - Computer Networking Lab                                                         3cr

Lect.01    Schedule #24891    M      3:35   -  5:00     CMPS 142            Venkataramani

591O       Seminar - Character Animation                                                             3cr

Lect.01    Schedule #20397    MW     7:00   -  8:30                         Wang

596A       Independent Study - TA for CMPSCI 551 3D Animation                                        3cr

Lect.01    Schedule #20411    BY ARRGT                                      Wang

596C       Independent Study - TA for CMPSCI 591O Seminar-Character Animation                        3cr

Lect.01    Schedule #20413    BY ARRGT                                      Wang

601        Computation Theory                                                                        3cr

Lect.01    Schedule #20400    MW     10:35  -  11:50    CMPS 140            Immerman

603        Robotics                                                                                  3cr

Lect.01    Schedule #20407    TuTh   1:00   -  2:15     CMPS 142            Grupen

630(691F)  Programming Languages                                                                     3cr

Lect.01    Schedule #20401    TuTh   2:30   -  3:45     LGRC A201           Wileden

635        Modern Computer Architecture                                                              3cr

Lect.01    Schedule #20408    MW     9:05   -  10:20    CMPS 140            Weems

645        Database Design and Implementation                                                        3cr

Lect.01    Schedule #20445    TuTh   9:30   -  10:45    CMPS 140            Diao

670(691A)  Computer Vision                                                                           3cr

Lect.01    Schedule #20423    TuTh   2:30   -  3:45     CMPS 150            Learned-Miller

677        Operating Systems                                                                         3cr

Lect.01    Schedule #20409    TuTh   1:00   -  2:15     CMPS 140            Shenoy

691DD      Seminar - Research Methods                                                                3cr

Lect.01    Schedule #20455    M      2:25   -  3:25     CMPS 142            Jensen
                              W      1:50   -  3:20     CMPS 142            

691II      Seminar - Computation Modeling of Emotions and Religions in the Brain                     3cr

Lect.01    Schedule #24402    F      9:20   -  11:50    CMPS 140            Siegelmann

691QQ      Seminar - Practical Sensor Network Design and Deployment                                  3cr

Sem.01     Schedule #24969    Th     4:00   -  6:30     CMPS 140            Ganesan, Shenoy

691R       Seminar - Reliability in Information Integration and Collaborative Authoring              1/3cr

Sem.01     Schedule #25222    MW     9:05   -  10:20    CMPS 142            Miklau

691T       Seminar - Technology and Aging                                                            3cr

Sem.01     Schedule #25198    W      10:00  -  12:00    CMPS 150            Hanson

701        Advanced Computer Science Topics                                                          6cr

Lect.01    Schedule #20403    BY ARRGT                                      Allan

791BB      Seminar - Advanced Machine Learning                                                       3cr

Lect.01    Schedule #24362    F      1:25   -  3:55     CMPS 140            Mahadevan

791JJ      Seminar - Conway Game Theory                                                              1cr

Sem.01     Schedule #25439    TH     4:00   -  5:15     CMPS 243            Barrington

791M       Seminar -Multi-Agent Organizations                                                        3cr

Sem.01     Schedule #25196    F      9:30   -  11:30    CMPS 140            Lesser, Corkill

891M       Theory of Computation                                                                     1cr

Sem.01     Schedule #25457    W      2:00   -  3:00     CMPS 203            Immerman

899        PhD Dissertation                                                                          9cr

Lect.01    Schedule #20405    BY ARRGT                                      Staff

H03        Honors Colloquium for CMPSCI 320                                       Honors Colloq      1cr

Lect.01    Schedule #24897    F      1:25   -  2:15     LGRC A203           Fisher

H07        Honors Colloquium for CMPSCI 401                                       Honors Colloq      1cr

Lect.01    Schedule #24800    BY ARRGT                  TBA                 Rosenberg

H09        Honors Colloquium for CMPSCI 530                                       Honors Colloq      1cr

Lect.01    Schedule #24898    BY ARRGT                  BY ARRGT            Wileden

H14        Honors Colloquium for CMPSCI 453                                       Honors Colloq      1cr

Lect.01    Schedule #24964    TBA                       TBA                 Ganesan

Last automatic generation: 6/22/2007 at 1:55:34 PM


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