Chau Minh Pham

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Hi there! My name is Chau. I use she/her pronouns and publish under Chau Minh Pham. I am currently a Computer Science Ph.D. student at UMass Amherst, where I am advised by Professor Mohit Iyyer in the Natural Language Processing (NLP) Lab.

Previously, I graduated from Colgate University, where I was advised by Professor Joel Sommers. I spent most of my undergraduate years working on statistical test visualization apps at the Data Science Collaboratory. I also worked briefly on AI harm anticipation at Microsoft Research (FATE) and COVID-19 emotion analysis in the CRA-WP DREU program.


TopicGPT: A Prompt-based Topic Modeling Framework
Chau Minh Pham, Alexander Hoyle, Simeng Sun, Philip Resnik, Mohit Iyyer
NAACL 2024
[Paper] [Code] [Poster] [BibTeX]

AHA!: Facilitating AI Impact Assessment by Generating Examples of Harms
Zana Buçinca, Chau Minh Pham, Maurice Jakesch, Marco Tulio Ribeiro, Alexandra Olteanu, Saleema Amershi
arXiv 2023
[Preprint] [BibTeX]

Emotion analysis and detection during COVID-19
Tiberiu Sosea*, Chau Pham*, Alexander Tekle, Cornelia Caragea, Junyi Jessy Li
LREC 2022
[Paper] [Code] [BibTeX]

Reassessing the Constancy of End-to-End Internet Latency
Lily Davisson*, Joakim Jakovleski*, Nhiem Ngo*, Chau Pham*, Joel Sommers
TMA 2021
[Paper] [Poster] [BibTeX]

(*: equal contribution)


UMass Amherst

 Mentor - 2023-24: Early Research Scholars Program
 TA - COMPSCI 685 - S24: Advanced Natural Language Processing
 TA - COMPSCI 110 - Su23: Foundations of Programming

Colgate University

 TA - CS 480A - F21: Natural Language Processing
 TA - CS 101 - F19, S20, S21, S22: Introduction to Algorithms and Data Structures


I use my middle name, Minh, in publications to distinguish myself from other Chau Phams who are also PhD students. "Minh" means bright and intelligent, while "Châu" refers to a precious pearl. Together, the name "Minh Châu" carries my parents' wishes for me to grow into a gifted and pure human being.

In my free time, I enjoy powerlifting, reading, and cooking experimentally.

I am originally from Hanoi, Vietnam 🇻🇳. If you are planning to visit Hanoi, I would recommend checking out Nguyen Phan Que Mai's read your way through Hanoi and bún ốc (escargot noodle soup).

Last updated: March 2024.