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Recent Computer Science Ph.D. graduates (AY 2009-2010)

Recent Computer Science Ph.D. graduates (AY 2009-2010)

Nilanjan Banerjee: Improved Network Consistency and Connectivity in Mobile and Sensor Systems; (Mark Corner, Advisor); Sept. 2009; Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Computer Engineering, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville.

Edge networks such as sensor, mobile, and disruption tolerant networks suffer from topological uncertainty and disconnections due to a myriad of factors including mobility and limited battery capacity on client devices. Hence, providing reliable, always-on consistency for network applications in such mobile and sensor systems is non-trivial and challenging. However, the problem is of paramount importance given the proliferation of mobile phones, PDAs, laptops, and music players. This thesis identifies two fundamental deterrents to addressing the above problem. First, limited energy on client mobile and sensor devices makes high levels of consistency and availability impossible. Second, unreliable support from the network infrastructure, such as coverage holes in WiFi degrades network performance. We address these two issues through client- and infrastructure-end modifications. The first part of this thesis proposes a novel energy management architecture called Hierarchical Power Management (HPM). HPM combines platforms with diverse energy needs and capabilities into a single integrated system to provide high levels of consistency and availability at minimal energy consumption. We present two systems, Triage and Turducken, which are instantiations of HPM for sensor net microservers and laptops, respectively. The second part of the thesis proposes and analyzes the use of additional infrastructure in the form of relays, mesh nodes, and base stations to enhance sparse and dense mobile networks. We present the design, implementation, and deployment of Throwboxes--a relay system to enhance sparse mobile networks and an associated system for enhancing WiFi based mobile networks.

Patrick Deegan: Whole-Body Strategies for Mobility and Manipulation; (Roderic Grupen, Advisor); May 2010; Senior Robotics Engineer, Heartland Robotics.

The robotics community has succeeded in creating remarkable machines and task-level programming tools, but arguably has failed to apply sophisticated autonomous machines to sophisticated tasks. The dissertation introduces the uBot-5--a mobile manipulator concept to support new robotic applications in our culture that require fully integrated dexterous robots in unstructured environments. The integrated system provides dexterous modes for mobility and manipulation and control firmware that organizes these behavioral modes logically for use by application code.

The approach chosen in this study centers around a hardware and software co-development. The platform successfully pairs motor flexibility and performance with a hierarchical embedded control framework for constructing dexterous machines. In particular, postural control underlies the uniform treatment of several mobility modes that engage different combinations of sensor and motor resources. The result is a platform for studying "whole-body" control strategies that can be applied jointly to simultaneous mobility and manipulation objectives. Furthermore, dexterous machines can express the "aptitudes" implicit in the design of the robot in the embedded firmware and hierarchically organize the behavior of the system for programming. This is a win-win situation where the quality of the embedded firmware determines how efficiently programmers (autonomous learning algorithms or human programmers) can construct control programs that are robust, flexible, and respond gracefully to unanticipated circumstances.

Andrew Fast: Learning the Structure of Bayesian Networks with Constraint Satisfaction; (David Jensen, Advisor); Feb. 2010; Research Scientist, Elder Research Inc.

A Bayesian network is a graphical representation of the probabilistic relationships among a set of variables and can be used to encode expert knowledge about uncertain domains. The structure of this model represents the set of conditional independencies among the variables in the data. In this thesis, I focus on learning the structure of Bayesian networks from data with constraint-based algorithms. These algorithms use a series of conditional hypothesis tests to learn independence constraints on the structure of the model.

I show that new algorithms inspired by constraint satisfaction are able to produce significant improvements in structural accuracy. These constraint satisfaction algorithms exploit the interaction among the constraints to reduce error. First, I introduce an algorithm based on constraint optimization that is sound in the sample limit, like existing algorithms, but is guaranteed to produce a DAG. This new algorithm learns models with structural accuracy equivalent or better to existing algorithms. Second, I introduce an algorithm based constraint relaxation. Constraint relaxation combines different statistical techniques to identify constraints that are likely to be incorrect, and remove those constraints from consideration. I show that an algorithm combining constraint relaxation with constraint optimization produces Bayesian networks with significantly better structural accuracy when compared to existing structure learning algorithms, demonstrating the effectiveness of constraint satisfaction approaches for learning accurate structure of Bayesian networks.

Stephen Hart: The Development of Hierarchical Knowledge in Robot Systems; (Roderic Grupen, Advisor); Sept. 2009; Postdoctoral Researcher, Italian Institute of Technology, Genova, Italy.

I investigate two complementary ideas in the literature on machine learning and robotics--those of embodiment and intrinsic motivation--to address a unified framework for skill learning and knowledge acquisition. "Embodied" systems make use of structure derived directly from sensory and motor configurations for learning behavior. Intrinsically motivated systems learn by searching for native, hedonic value through interaction with the world. Psychological theories of intrinsic motivation suggest that there exist internal drives favoring open-ended cognitive development and exploration. I argue that intrinsically motivated, embodied systems can learn generalizable skills, acquire control knowledge, and form an epistemological understanding of the world in terms of behavioral affordances.

I propose that the development of behavior results from the assembly of an agent's sensory and motor resources into state and action spaces that can be explored autonomously. I introduce an intrinsic reward function that can lead to the open-ended learning of hierarchical behavior. This behavior is factored into declarative "recipes" for patterned activity and common sense procedural strategies for implementing them in a variety of run-time contexts. These skills form a categorical basis for the robot to interpret and model its world in terms of the behavior it affords. Experiments conducted on a bimanual robot illustrate a progression of cumulative manipulation behavior addressing manual and visual skills. Such accumulation of skill over the long-term by a single robot is a novel contribution that has yet to be demonstrated in the literature.

Manjunatha Jagalur; Discovery of Complex Regulatory Modules from Expression Genetics Data; (David Kulp, Advisor); May 2010; Bioinformatics Scientist, Pacific Biosciences.

Mapping of strongly inherited classical traits has been immensely helpful in understanding many important traits including diseases, yield and immunity. But some of these traits are too complex and are difficult to map. Taking into consideration gene expression, which mediates the genetic effects, can be helpful in understanding such traits. Together with genetic variation data such a dataset is collectively known as expression genetics data. Presence of discrete and continuous variables, observed and latent variables, availability of partial causal information, and under-specified nature of the data make expression genetics data computationally challenging, but potentially of great biological importance. In this dissertation the underlying regulatory processes are modeled as Bayesian networks consisting of gene expression and genetic variation nodes. Due to the under-specified nature of the data, inferring the complete regulatory network is impractical. Instead, the following techniques are proposed to extract interesting subnetworks with high confidence.

The network motif searching technique is used to recover instances of a known regulatory mechanism. The local network inference technique is used to identify immediate neighbors of a given transcript. Application of these two techniques often results in identification of hundreds of individual networks. The network aggregation technique extracts the most common subnetwork from those networks, and identifies its immediate neighbors by collapsing them into a common network. In all the above tasks, simulation studies were carried out to estimate the robustness of the proposed methods and the results suggest that these techniques are capable of recovering the correct substructure with high precision and moderate recall. Moreover, manual biological review shows that the recovered regulatory network substructures are typically biologically sensible.

Jeffrey Johns; Basis Construction and Utilization for Markov Decision Processes using Graphs; (Sridhar Mahadevan, Advisor); Feb. 2010; Computing Innovation Fellow, Department of Computer Science, Duke University.

In reinforcement learning (RL), an agent takes actions in an environment and receives rewards. The agent must use its experience in order to learn how best to act in the future. One of the main challenges for an autonomous agent is in representing functions/features over very large and complex environments. The majority of successful, large-scale RL applications have required humans to provide such features to the agent; however, recent research suggests this process of feature construction can be automated and solved by the agent itself. Building on this idea, we propose two algorithms for scaling automatic feature construction to very large data sets. Once the features are computed, the agent must utilize those features to learn how best to behave. We introduce a new least-squares algorithm that allows for the agent to make efficient use of its experience in the environment. Furthermore, we evaluate feature selection methods that tailor the features to the agent's desired task. These feature selection methods encourage sparse solutions and provide regularization, both properties that are necessary when dealing with complex environments.

Victoria Manfredi; Sensor Control and Scheduling Strategies for Sensor Networks; (James F. Kurose, Advisor); Sept. 2009; Computing Innovation Fellow, Department of Computer Science, Boston University.

We investigate sensor control and scheduling strategies to most effectively use the limited resources of an ad hoc network or closed-loop sensor network. We first consider where to focus sensing in a meteorological radar network. We show that the main benefits of optimizing sensing over expected future states are when there are multiple small phenomena in the environment. We next investigate how to make sensing robust to delayed and dropped packets. We ground our analysis in a meteorological radar network and show that prioritizing sensor control traffic decreases the round-trip control-loop delay, and thus increases the quantity and quality of the collected data and improves application performance. Finally, we examine how to make routing robust to network changes. We propose a routing algorithm that selects a type of routing subgraph (a braid) that is robust to changes in the network topology. We analytically characterize the reliability of a class of braids and their optimality properties, and give counter-examples to other conjectured optimality properties in a well-structured (grid) network. Comparing with dynamic source routing, we show that braid routing can significantly decrease control overhead while only minimally degrading the number of packets delivered, with gains dependent on node density.

Sarah Osentoski; Action-Based Representation Discovery in Markov Decision Processes; (Sridhar Mahadevan, Advisor); Sept. 2009; Postdoctoral Researcher, Computer Science Department, Brown University.

This dissertation investigates the problem of representation discovery in discrete Markov decision processes, namely how agents can simultaneously learn representation and optimal control. Previous work on function approximation techniques for MDPs largely employed hand-engineered basis functions. We explore approaches to automatically construct these basis functions and demonstrate that automatically constructed basis functions significantly outperform more traditional, hand-engineered approaches.

We specifically examine two problems: how to automatically build representations for action-value functions by explicitly incorporating actions into a representation, and how representations can be automatically constructed by exploiting a pre-specified task hierarchy. We first introduce a technique for learning basis functions directly in state-action space. The approach constructs basis functions using spectral analysis of a state-action graph which captures the underlying structure of the state-action space of the MDP. We show how our approach can be used to approximate state-action value functions when the agent has access to macro-actions: actions that take more than one time step and have predefined policies. We describe how state-action graphs can be modified to incorporate information about the macro-actions. Finally, we describe how hierarchical reinforcement learning can be used to scale up automatic basis function construction. We extend automatic basis function construction techniques to multi-level task hierarchies and describe how basis function construction can exploit the value function decomposition given by a fixed task hierarchy. We demonstrate that combining task hierarchies with automatic basis function construction allows basis function techniques to scale to larger problems and leads to a significant speed-up in learning.

Shichao Ou; A Behavioral Approach to Human-Robot Communication; (Roderic Grupen, Advisor); Feb. 2010; Senior Software Engineer, Network Equipment Technologies.

This dissertation focuses on how a robot can acquire and refine expressive and receptive communication skills with human beings. I hypothesize that communication has its roots in motor behavior and present an approach that is unique in the following aspects: (1) representations of humans and the skills for interacting with them are learned in the same way as the robot learns to interact with other "objects," (2) expressive behavior naturally emerges as the result of the robot discovering new utility in existing manual behavior in a social context, and (3) symmetry in communicative behavior can be exploited to bootstrap the learning of receptive behavior.

Experimental results show that the robot successfully acquired a variety of expressive pointing gestures, and the perceptual skills with which to recognize and respond to similar gestures from humans. This illustrates the validity of the approach as a computational framework for learning increasingly comprehensive models and behavior for communicating with humans. Also, due to variations in human reactions over the training subjects, the robot developed a preference for certain gestures over others, showing that the approach can adapt to different human behavior. These results support the experimental hypotheses and offer insights for future studies.

M.S. Raunak; Resource Management In Complex And Dynamic Environments; (Leon J. Osterweil, Advisor); Sept. 2009; Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, Loyola College.

Resource management is at the heart of many diverse science and engineering areas. Often a relatively simple model of resources can suffice for work in a number of domains. The problems of resource specification and management become much more challenging, however, when working with a complex real-life domain, such as the emergency department of a hospital, with many heterogeneous resource types and intricate constraints on their utilization. This dissertation proposes an approach for modeling and managing resources in complex and dynamic environments, and presents an architecture that focuses on appropriate separation of concerns. To evaluate this approach we developed ROMEO, an implementation of the general approach proposed in the dissertation. ROMEO supports execution and simulation of complex real-world processes. We have studied the effectiveness of ROMEO's well modularized separation of concerns by examining how well ROMEO supports execution and simulation of a wide variety of different real-world processes such as hospital emergency department processes, online dispute resolution processes, and web services development processes. Our studies suggest that our choices of concerns to separate offer some important advantages, such as ease of modification, and the ability to represent important fine-scale details.

Bruno Ribeiro; On the Design of Methods to Estimate Network Characteristics; (Donald F. Towsley, Advisor); May 2010; Postdoctoral Research Associate, Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts Amherst.

Social and computer networks permeate our lives. Large networks, such as the Internet, the World Wide Web, and wireless smartphones, have indisputable economic and social importance. These networks have non-trivial topological features, i.e., features that do not occur in simple networks such as lattices or random networks. Estimating characteristics of these networks from incomplete (sampled) data is a challenging task.

This thesis provides two frameworks within which common measurement tasks are analyzed and new, principled, measurement methods are designed. The first framework focuses on sampling directly observable network characteristics. This framework is applied to design a novel multidimensional random walk to efficiently sample loosely connected networks. The second framework focuses on the design of measurement methods to estimate indirectly observable network characteristics. This framework is applied to design two new, principled, estimators of flow size distributions over Internet routers using (1) randomly sampled IP packets and (2) a data stream algorithm.

Timothy Richards; Generalized Instruction Selector Generation: The Automatic Construction of Instruction Selectors from Descriptions of Compiler Internal Forms and Target Machines; (J. Eliot B. Moss, Advisor); Feb. 2010; Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, Trinity College.

One of the most difficult tasks a compiler writer faces is the construction of the instruction selector (IS). The IS is the part of the compiler that translates compiler intermediate representation (IR) into instructions for a target machine. Unfortunately, implementing an IS by hand is difficult, time consuming, and error prone. The details of the IR and target instruction set is carefully considered in order to generate correct and efficient code. This requires an expert in compiler internals as well as the target machine. In this dissertation we describe the instruction selector problem, cover previous attempts at solving it, and identify what we believe to be the most prominent factor inhibiting their widespread adoption.

This dissertation proposes a generalized approach toward generating instruction selectors automatically. We propose CISL, a common machine description language for specifying compiler IR and target instruction semantics, and GIST, a heuristic search procedure that discovers equivalent instruction sequences between compiler IR and target instructions. GIST leverages CISLs well-defined semantics to discover IS patterns automatically. Adapter programs use GIST-generated selector patterns to output compiler specific implementation code. Our experiments show that IS patterns can be discovered automatically and independent of a particular compiler framework or target machine.

Alicia P. Wolfe; Paying Attention to What Matters: Abstraction in Partially Observable Domains; (Andrew G. Barto, Advisor); Feb. 2010.

Autonomous agents may not have access to complete information about the state of the environment. For example, a robot soccer player may only be able to estimate the locations of other players outside the scope of its sensors. However, even though all the information needed for ideal decision making cannot be sensed, all that is sensed is usually not needed. The noise and motion of spectators, for example, can be ignored in order to focus on the game field. Standard formulations do not consider this situation, assuming that all the can be sensed must be included in any useful abstraction. This dissertation extends the Markov Decision Process Homomorphism framework to partially observable domains, focusing specifically on reducing Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes (POMDPs) when the model is known. This involves ignoring aspects of the observation function that are irrelevant to a particular task. Abstraction is particularly important in partially observable domains, as it enables the formation of a smaller domain model and thus more efficient use of the observed features.